tabular form

英 [ˈtæbjələ(r) fɔːm] 美 [ˈtæbjələr fɔːrm]

网络  表格形式; 表格型式; 列表形式; 表列式; 表列形式



  1. Select the Data button to see the statements and their count in a tabular form.
  2. For groups of rules that share a set of common attributes and have similar structure, it can be convenient to maintain in a tabular form.
  3. This information is the same level of information that is provided in the Reference graph for EbdevServlet, but is in tabular form.
  4. It also provides data in the tabular form for users to draw conclusions about the performance of the server and to take corrective actions if needed.
  5. Retrieve and display in chart and tabular form WebSphere Message Broker accounting and statistics information at the execution group, message flow, processing node and thread levels.
  6. Paraplex could come in handy if you needed to present some data in tabular form.
  7. The tabular form is the default view and is likely to suffice most of the time.
  8. The JSP found in the sample application simply instantiates a Java object and uses the DisplayTag tag library to display the entries in a tabular form.
  9. Here is what the tabular form looks like for the same PivotTable – much like current versions of Excel.
  10. With new views of the data, users might notice new trends and relationships in temperatures that were harder to visualize with the data in tabular form.
  11. The name and description appear in the list of surveys. The information is shown in tabular form.
  12. Pending further information from the Ministry of Health, WHO will issue details showing dates of onset, outcome, and province for all24 cases in tabular form.
  13. The part expressed in tabular form shall include various indicators of the planned tasks, responsible units and timing of plan fulfillment.
  14. Services provide their data as ATOM feeds or in a tabular form.
  15. In addition to the compact form that we have already looked at, the tabular form displays one column per field displayed and leaves space for field headers.
  16. In order to foreshadow the type of presentation required for computer use, data will be prepared in tabular form.
  17. The information is shown in tabular form. To keep up a good front, Hung-chien said that the newspaper office had asked him to head the Office of Information.
  18. Information set out in tabular form.
  19. In tabular form Set the style to Ordered List
  20. Finishing examples on textile fabrics have been presented in tabular form.
  21. Twelve factors affecting software maintenance are analyzed in technical and non-technical terms, and are listed in tabular form.
  22. In the application procedures based on web, the final data result of the operation is usually displayed in tabular form, which is difficult to analyse for the second time.
  23. Some numerical results have been listed in tabular form for comparison.
  24. Some important results are listed in tabular form for comparison.
  25. The article has laid particular emphasis on recommending being embedded replying the technological scheme of WEB tabular form server, Technological difficult point, tactics of research, design principle, system structure, principle of realizing and implementing the instance.
  26. Firstly, it finishes in C language, the results are given in tabular form and analyzed, so it initially verifies the validity of the model.
  27. These models are not good or bad compared each other, only applicable to different situations. I carry out a systematic summary of pattern diagram, advantages and disadvantages, the applicable situation and successful examples in tabular form.
  28. This article discusses the nature, digital features and theoretical distribution of the test statistic. Meanwhile, numerical simulations of critical values are also given in tabular form, thus expanding the scope of application of these methods.
  29. In the analysis of emotional tendencies, the system provides a tabular form of the intermediate results for the user to find the detailed analysis of the results.
  30. Enterprises are facing and the potential risk of the risk identification through the inductive method and deductive method to analyze and categorize the risks faced by the company; combination of the expert survey and classification analysis in tabular form.